The Lifeline Blog

14 Strength, Flexibility & Balance Exercises for Seniors

Falls are the leading cause of injury-related death for Americans 65 and older, according to data from the CDC.1 Luckily, there are many ways to lower the likelihood of taking a tumble and increase your ability to recover. Two of the most effective are: Exercises. One of the main risk factors is poor strength and balance.2 There are lots of exercises for seniors that improve balance, mobility, strength and stability. (See below.) ...

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March 10th, 2021

Are Medical Alert Devices Tax Deductible?

The best way to avoid a nasty surprise on the amount owed for tax return – or a terse letter from the IRS– is to do a rough tax projection. This process produces an estimate of what is owed so you can make smart decisions about cash flow and take steps to qualify for more Read more >>

March 10th, 2021

Tax Preparation Tips for Seniors & Family Caregivers

Tax Preparation Tips for Seniors & Family Caregivers. You can read more useful articles and advice on our blog.

March 10th, 2021

What Medical Equipment is Tax Deductible?

Wondering if it’s worth claiming medical expenses for equipment on your taxes? The answer is yes! Researching deductions for medical equipment used by yourself, your spouse or another person in your care is worth the effort because you may be able to reduce your tax bill. The IRS allows taxpayers who itemize to potentially deduct Read more >>

March 6th, 2021

Easter Treats Come in Many Forms for Those With Diabetes

For many, the holidays are a time of joy, togetherness, and indulgence in delicious treats. However, for seniors managing diabetes, the festivities can bring about unique challenges, especially during Easter when sugary delights are abundant. While it might seem like a daunting task to maintain a balanced diet, it’s entirely possible to enjoy the holiday Read more >>

March 5th, 2021

Tax Breaks for Family Caregivers: Deductions and Credits

Tax Breaks for Family Caregivers: Deductions and Credits. You can read more useful articles and advice on our blog.

February 18th, 2021

Signs of Caregiver Stress Syndrome

That constellation of physical, mental and emotional stress you’re feeling as a family caregiver, has a name: Caregiver Stress Syndrome (CSS). A syndrome is a set of symptoms that consistently manifest together. CSS is characterized by these symptoms: Isolation Licensed marriage and family therapist Colleen Mullen, PsyD, LMFT, of San Diego describes this as “withdrawing Read more >>

December 4th, 2020

Seniors Owning Pets: Physical and Emotional Benefits

Are you a senior considering getting a pet? If so, you are likely on the road to better health, as there are many benefits to seniors owning pets. Benefits of Pets Companionship Some of these benefits are more obvious than others. Seniors owning pets have a constant companion and are therefore less likely to experience Read more >>

December 3rd, 2020

New Year’s Resolutions for Caregivers

As the New Year approaches once again, it may often bring a feeling of optimism, which is much needed given this challenging time. That’s a welcoming gift, especially for those of us caring for the elderly. To help maximize this optimism, we have gathered 13 New Year’s resolutions geared specifically toward caregivers. New Year’s Resolutions Read more >>

October 9th, 2020

What Are High Blood Pressure Symptoms?

If you’re worried about developing high blood pressure (hypertension), you may be wondering ” what are high blood pressure symptoms?”

August 13th, 2020

Lifeline Cares: Your Personal Care Plan

How to make sure the right help will always be there – a closer look at the personal care plan. What is a personal care plan? When your loved one sets up their Lifeline service, they are asked to complete a personal care plan It contains important information for first responders, such as medications and Read more >>

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