The Lifeline Blog

14 Strength, Flexibility & Balance Exercises for Seniors

Falls are the leading cause of injury-related death for Americans 65 and older, according to data from the CDC.1 Luckily, there are many ways to lower the likelihood of taking a tumble and increase your ability to recover. Two of the most effective are: Exercises. One of the main risk factors is poor strength and balance.2 There are lots of exercises for seniors that improve balance, mobility, strength and stability. (See below.) ...

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October 30th, 2016

Timing Visiting Elderly Parents So Everyone Thrives

Visiting elderly parents is top on many people’s list, but how often should you visit? Balancing a work/life schedule that ensures your parents are okay, yet allows them to maintain their independence is often comparable to walking a tight rope. Basing your visits on their needs is the key to maintaining a proper balance. Detriments Read more >>

October 14th, 2016

Protecting Your Loved Ones From Internet Scams

One of the most difficult (and increasingly important) duties of caregiving today is protecting your parents or other loved ones from Internet scams that so often target seniors. You’re probably familiar with Internet scams — after all, these issues are hot topics for everyone today. The Internet Crime Complaint Center, run jointly by the FBI and the nonprofit National Read more >>

September 4th, 2016

How to Install Grab Bars in No Time

Falls are a major health risk for seniors. For this reason, fall prevention is a top priority for many. Something as simple as installing grab bars in your shower and toilet area can help prevent falls, according to the National Institutes of Health. Learning how to install grab bars isn’t difficult, and it can often be Read more >>

August 25th, 2016

Improving Balance and Decreasing Fall Risk Through Vibration Therapy

Regular exercise and physical activity are significant components of a healthy lifestyle and can be incorporated into your life regardless of your age, says the National Institute on Aging. In addition to making you stronger, exercise can also help keep your joints, ligaments, and tendons flexible. Even seniors who are more frail can improve their Read more >>

July 16th, 2016

Managing the Stress of Caring for a Disabled Parent

Caring for a disabled parent can introduce unexpected stressors: Health concerns, ranging from arthritis and osteoporosis to diabetes and broken bones, can lead to a person not being able to stand up, walk, or even turn over in bed on her own. Being a caregiver for a parent in this situation is difficult, but you Read more >>

July 1st, 2016

Talking to Your Caregiver About Privacy

If you’re a senior who lives independently, privacy issues can easily arise with your caregiver, even if your caregiver is your own child. This is especially true if you have a caregiver who often drops by without warning. It can be hard to explain to a loved one that you enjoy her company but also Read more >>

June 30th, 2016

Power of Attorney Is Important to Understand as a Caregiver

Many people face a time when they are unable make important decisions independently. You may have a grandparent, parent, or even a spouse who is experiencing this and needs someone else to make key decisions on his or her behalf. This process is more streamlined if a trustworthy person has been granted that responsibility on Read more >>

June 30th, 2016

Leaving Your Legacy Through an Inheritance

As people age, they naturally put more thought into estate planning than they did when they were younger. While estate planning is something that everyone should consider, it’s especially important for older adults. For many seniors, a last will and testament is the best way to leave their legacy for future generations. The Importance of Read more >>

June 4th, 2016

Caring for a Loved One with ALS or MS

Caring for a Loved One with ALS or MS read our advice. You can read more useful articles and advice on our blog.

March 6th, 2016

Choosing a Walker or Cane to Reduce Fall Risk

Choosing a Walker or Cane to Reduce Fall Risk. You can read more useful articles and advice on our blog.

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