The Lifeline Blog

14 Strength, Flexibility & Balance Exercises for Seniors

Falls are the leading cause of injury-related death for Americans 65 and older, according to data from the CDC.1 Luckily, there are many ways to lower the likelihood of taking a tumble and increase your ability to recover. Two of the most effective are: Exercises. One of the main risk factors is poor strength and balance.2 There are lots of exercises for seniors that improve balance, mobility, strength and stability. (See below.) ...

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March 2nd, 2015

Cell Phones vs. Medical Alert Systems: Which Is Better in an Emergency?

Which is better in an emergency, a cell phone or a medical alert system? We will look at the pros and cons of each. You are the final arbiter in our cell phones vs. medical alert systems face-off, however, because the best device is the one you’re more likely to use. Cell Phones Many people Read more >>

March 1st, 2015

Adapting Household Items to Make Life Easier

Seniors know that successful aging means adapting to change. Many senior citizens employ creative strategies to customize their surroundings to address changes in their lives. If you’re looking to embrace a DIY lifestyle to accomplish more each day, these tips will get you started: Nutrition Whether you’re a chef, a cooking enthusiast, or just looking for Read more >>

March 1st, 2015

Caregiver Tips: Arranging Last-Minute Emergency Care

One of the most important duties of a caregiver is to ensure your loved one always has the care and companionship she needs. Sometimes that means lining up emergency care for times when you can’t be there yourself. It’s always good to plan ahead, but sometimes there is simply no way to avoid a sudden Read more >>

February 13th, 2015

Home Chores to Help Keep Seniors Active

For many seniors, losing the ability to engage in some of their usual activities may lead to feelings of low self-esteem and a loss of energy. It’s important to find tasks that they can complete to help them stay active and create a sense of worth and value. If you’re stretched thin with regular caregiver duties and Read more >>

January 28th, 2015

Ping-Pong: One of the Most Beneficial Activities for Senior Citizens

Do you play Ping-Pong? If you’re a senior looking for ways to stay physically and mentally active, it might be the right game for you. A Los Angeles Times report tells the story of a Ping-Pong club at the Langley Senior Center in Monterey Park, California. For the past 25 years, the club has showcased the benefits Read more >>

December 9th, 2014

Choosing the Best Medicare Supplement Plan for Your Loved One

It’s probably no surprise to you that paying for care can be very expensive. When providing caregiving support, you may even find that you are paying many of your loved one’s medical bills out of your own pocket. A Medicare supplement plan, also known as Medigap insurance, can fill the gaps left by traditional Medicare. Depending on Read more >>

November 20th, 2014

It’s Never Too Late: Tips to Stop Smoking

If you’ve been smoking for years but think it’s too late to reap the benefits of quitting, think again. Whether you’re already feeling the effects of long-term smoking or haven’t noticed any yet, it’s never too late to stop smoking and embrace healthy living. If you’re finally ready, here are some tips to stop smoking. Why Should Read more >>

November 20th, 2014

Understanding How Medicare Billing Works

Most US seniors rely on Medicare. As a caregiver, a deeper understanding of this coverage will not only help you save money by eliminating costly surprises, but it will also help you guide your loved one to an informed decision about additional health coverage. Here’s a Look at What You Should Know about Medicare and Read more >>

November 20th, 2014

Preparing for a Lifetime of Caregiving for Children With Disabilities

From the time your child was diagnosed, you’ve probably worried about financially supporting her, ensuring that she gets the assistance she needs, and taking care of her for the rest of her life. Raising children with disabilities requires planning — no one knows that better than you do. Can you successfully raise, care for, and Read more >>

October 14th, 2014

Technology for Caregivers: What’s on the Horizon and Gadgets Available Now

With new gadgets coming out each day, it’s safe to say that technology has infiltrated our lives. While the possibilities are endless, a recent panel brainstormed concrete ideas for new technology for caregivers that might ease the burdens of caring for someone at home. Here are three new technologies you may see soon, and a Read more >>

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